Part of photographing weddings on Vancouver Island is learning to love the west-coast rain. Foggy grey skies on Vancouver island. Bumpy windy boat rides from Painter's Lodge to April Point. It's all beautiful, and it's all photogenic. Having the opportunity to shoot wedding photos on Vancouver Island in the rain is actually a joy. Imagine my surprise when I arrived in Campbell River..and it started to pour! Rain was not exactly in the forecast..but that is typical on Vancouver Island. Weddings don't stop because of rain..we carry on and make beautiful images !! I really enjoyed working with genius visionary Sheri Hayward from the Painter's Lodge/April Point team, what a pro. And the ladies from Industry Hair salon in Campbell River did an amazing job on the hair. Beautiful work.. they totally 'got' the look of the gown. A real modern-vintage vibe done so right!
Vancouver Island Wedding photographer - GINA-RAE